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SIUK SIUK - elev


• Despre mine *

SI-UK Delhi is located in Connaught Place’s H Block (Middle Circle), behind the H&M store. The building is called Indra Place and also houses a Bank of India branch on the ground floor. SI-UK Delhi has helped thousands of Indian students study in the UK by placing them into the UK university of their choice. With 16 years of experience, our application services ensure that students have the best possible chance of entering their preferred higher education institute in the UK.

• Interese educaţionale

Study in Abroad, Studying in the UK

• Hobby-uri

• Realizări în carieră *

SI-UK Delhi is located in Connaught Place’s H Block (Middle Circle), behind the H&M store. The building is called Indra Place and also houses a Bank of India branch on the ground floor. SI-UK Delhi has helped thousands of Indian students study in the UK by placing them into the UK university of their choice. With 16 years of experience, our application services ensure that students have the best possible chance of entering their preferred higher education institute in the UK.

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