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April Fool's Day

Învăţământ primar - Limbi moderne

Capitol/lecţie: Spring

cristina-31 | 10.05.2023 08:38

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April Fool's Day is celebrated in many countries, including Romania, on April 1st. On this day, people play practical jokes on friends, family members, neighbours, or even strangers. Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and do not harm anyone. Children also like telling riddles, or inventing hoaxes for their friends. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played. Here are some riddles for you to find answers to. Hope you have fun!!!!

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. 1. What is the best month for a parade?
2. 2. I have eight legs, yet I cannot walk. What am I?
3. 3. Which room has no doors, and no windows?
4. 4. I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red!
5. 5. What flowers have two lips?
6. 6. I have four legs, but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I?
7. 7. I am full of holes, yet I hold water. What am I?
8. 8. I am sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but I am nobody's fool. For there is no language that I can't speak, though I never went to school. What am I?
9. 9. My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow, and wind is my foe. What am I?
10. 10. At night I come without being fetched. By day, I am lost without being stolen.
11. 11. I build up castles. I make people blind, yet, I help others to see. What am I?
12. 12. I am red, blue, purple and green, no one can reach me, not even a queen! What am I?
13. 13. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and grey, I'm read from both ends, and the same either way! What am I?

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