Şcoala cu
bune practici

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Read the definitions and fill in with the right word to get the correct type of our project.

Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne

Capitol/lecţie: Across Cultures

englishcori | 30.04.2022 11:11

110 vizualizări
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Fill in the crossword to find the right word from A to B! It is about the type of our project.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. the opposite of old-fashioned
2. someone who pays you a visit
3. two babies born at the same time
4. the opposite of lose
5. another name for gift
6. the past tense of the verb"find"
7. when people have the same interests, they can be ....
8. you write with it
9. somebody who sings as a profession

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