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Food and drinks

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Capitol/lecţie: What's cooking?

titisha | 03.03.2013 19:50

1135 vizualizări
24 rezolvări

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Rezolvand corect rebusul, pe verticala AB veti descoperi denumirea unui fruct exotic.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. It's a condiment
2. It's made from fruit and it's good to drink.
3. You eat it every day at school.
4. You eat every day with sandwiches.
5. It's a fruit. It can be red, green or yellow.
6. It's an italian food and everybody likes it.
7. It's an italian food and you can eat it it with sauce. (=sos)
8. It'a a mix of fruit or vegetables.
9. You can put it on the bread with jam.

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