Şcoala cu
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Învăţământ liceal - Limbi moderne Clasa a 9-a; Clasa a 10-a; Clasa a 11-a; Clasa a 12-a;

raileena | 30.10.2023 18:05

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rezolvati rebusul corect si pe verticala veti descoperi cuvantul cheie al subiectului nou

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. This is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation without being overcome by fear.
2. People view themselves overweight even if they are underweight this eating disorder is called..
3. This noun refers to a quality of being firm, of having a willpower to overcome the obstacles
4. Who is the most important person in our life
5. This kind of lifestyle provides safe and healthy environment
6. It was a peaceful,obedient generation who loved domestic life
7. A routine or behaviour that is unconsciousley is reapeted
8. refers to the overall journey and progression in one's chosen field of work.
9. This generation became adults at the turn of the millenium takeing part in the Iternet's growth
10. It is a value that refers to the stimulation of the mind or emotions to create, think, or act in a particular way.
11. Persons feel that cannot stop eating or control how much they eat.This eating disorder is ....
12. emphasizes a strong calling or inclination towards a certain type of work.
13. They are more educated, more diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, the most depressed generation using personal technology

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