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Meals of the day. Mesele zilei

Rebusul se poate folosi pentru o lecție de predare de noi cunoștințe în secvența de practicare a cunoștințelor noi învățate.

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Capitol/lecţie: Meals of the day

Lumi67 | 14.08.2021 17:32

138 vizualizări
1 rezolvare

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Solve the crossword and you will find the name of the first meal of the day on the vertical AB.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. Food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked.
2. Food consisting of small white or brown grains that are eaten cooked.
3. Oval or round objects laid by hens.
4. Dish from which you eat food.
5. A tool with a metal blade and a handle used for cutting food.
6. An animal without legs that lives in water and uses its tail and fins to help it swim.
7. Pasta in the form of tubes or in various other shapes, often baked with cheese.
8. A thick slice of meat, especially beef, cooked by broiling or pan-frying.
9. A small, soft, red fruit that is used in cooking as a vegetable or eaten raw in salads.

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