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Proiect eTwinning

Este o activitate de Ice breaking pentru a descoperi tema /titlul proiectului nostru.

Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne

Capitol/lecţie: eTwinning-Ice breaking 2023

emy09 | 20.12.2023 18:50

320 vizualizări
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Solving this crossword you will discover a hidden word from A to B.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. insect that produces honey
2. The main educational european school platform that connects teachers and students.
3. this thing can be harmful if it is artificial.
4. we can find partners on our platform.
5. a way of working in projects.
6. Fill in this logo: .....in diversity.
7. People should be aware of their healthy lifestyle.
8. We work with ....in our project.
9. We read books.
10. One of the most important 21st century skills.
11. This makes as distinctive as nations.
12. First thing partners do before starting a project.
13. The target group of our project.
14. People who are here represent....

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