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Un rebus usor de completat, folosit la clasa a 7a pentru elevii cu un nivel de limba engleza A2

Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne

elenaserbaneng | 11.02.2024 16:34

118 vizualizări
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Complete the blancs in order to obtain the name of an activity that helps people spend time in a more enjoyable manner

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. part of the day when people usually watch tv
2. part of the day when people sleep
3. people waste their.......doing nothing
4. e person that appears in movies, plays (feminine)
5. a horror movie is ..........
6. animated movie
7. a very long tv series (......-opera)
8. situation comedy (in short)
9. a person who introduces and appears in a television or radio programme.
10. pretend to sing or play an instrument
11. a sequence of continuous action in a play, film, opera, or book
12. a film or television or radio programme that provides a report on a particular subject.
13. a very well known personality especially in cinema, music, sports.

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