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Sports and free time activities Sporturi si activitati de timp liber

rebus util in invatarea/ consolidarea activitatilor fizice si a sportului

Învăţământ primar - Limbi moderne Clasa 1;

Capitol/lecţie: Sport and free time acivities

coneanca | 13.05.2021 21:58

234 vizualizări
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Fill in the crossword puzzle.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. you need an oval ball; you can use both your hands and your feet to hit the ball
2. you play it with a ball which you pass with your hands over a net
3. you need 11 players and a ball; you can only kick the ball with your feet
4. it includes running, jumping and other sports
5. when you do physical activity you....
6. six players pass a ball only with their hands
7. you need a small ball, a racket and a net
8. you do it in the park, on the stadium, similar to jogging
9. you play it in a swimming pool; you pass a ball to the other players
10. a winter sport; you need two skiis

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