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Concurs european(stire in limba engleza)

“ The European Union and the Rights of the Child”. This is the title of a competition launched by Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Freedom and Security, inviting European children and teenagers from 10 to 18 years of age to create a poster on children's rights within the Union.

EU Press Room - IP/06/402 - Brussels, March 30 2006

The competition aims at increasing awareness among European younger citizens about EU actions in this field. After a first selection at the national level and a prize-giving ceremony organised in each EU country in early May 2006, winning teams of the first national prizes will be invited in Brussels for a European prize-giving ceremony. The best works will become part of future European campaigns for promoting children's rights. The Commission will launch a strategy of promotion and protection of children's rights in all Commission's internal and external policies in June 2006.

"Rights are effective only when people are aware of them, assert them and defend them" affirmed Vice-President Frattini, adding:" My hope is that young people will enjoy working in teams on this subject, while becoming aware of what their rights are."

The young people who will decide to partake in the competition are asked to develop a poster comprising a logo and illustrating the idea of protecting, respecting and promoting children's rights within the European Union. Participants will be divided into two age groups (10-14 years and 15-18 years) and will have to form teams of at least four youngsters. The works will be first selected at the national level and the first three teams will be invited to a prize-giving ceremony organised in each EU country in early May. The winners of the first national prizes will then be invited to participate in a day-long guided tour in Brussels during the month on the 18th of May, focusing on the themes of the European Union and justice, freedom and security, as well as a lunch debate with Vice-President Frattini and an awards ceremony chaired by him.

The best posters will be presented on the web sites of Commission Representation Offices in the EU countries and on Europa. They will be also employed in future European campaigns for promoting children's rights.

The Commission intends to issue a Communication on the Rights of the Child in June 2006. This document aims at launching a strategy of promotion and protection of children's rights in all Commission's internal and external policies. It is based on the current international instruments already in place such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights. Further information is available at the following Internet addresses:


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Propus de: grigore_geta | 25.04.2006 21:42 | 5491 vizualizări

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Să avem o evaluare care sa testeze competențele elevilor la fiecare final de an. Astfel vom vedea în ce stadiu se află generația , cum putem sa îmbunatățim sistemul de educație şi profesorii care nu-şi fac treaba şi încă folosesc metode şi o gândire învechită să nu mai poată profesa. În plus , feedback-ul eleviilor sa fie luat în serios , pentru că nu e ok în 2024 doar elevul sa poată fi sacționat ,iar profesorul nu , ba chiar să abuzeze de putere.

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