Musical Activities for Young Learners of EFL
19 martie 2008, 20:22
It has been said that children have a natural musical taste and that play is the only activity that they take seriously. If this is so, teachers should not let song practice or any activity seem like work. They should keep it spontaneous. This has been shown to apply even to language teachers.
Învăţământ primar - Limbi moderne - Proiecte educaţionale - Clasa 1; Clasa a 2-a; Clasa a 3-a; Clasa a 4-a;
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Învăţământ primar - Limbi moderne - Lecţii - Clasa a 3-a;
elisa_04 | Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Danesti
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Învăţământ primar - Limbi moderne - Teste - Clasa 1; Clasa pregatitoare;
DianaL | Scoala Gimnaziala "Virgil Iovanas"Sofronea
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Comentarii (1)
02.05.2008 15:11 cornelia1984 dori sa stiu daca imi puteti trimite si mie cantecele, mp3. adresa mea de mail este : sau messenger corneliaprv. va multumesc
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