Test Present Continuous/Present Simple
12 aprilie 2008, 13:10
Test de progres recomnadat pentru clasa a V-a
Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne - Teste - Clasa a 5-a;
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Teste recomandate de comunitatea Didactic.ro
projet de lecon "Les fetes en France"
Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne - Lecţii - Clasa a 5-a;
monica_maria81 | Scoala Gimnaziala Noslac
2 comentarii
Les adjectifs qualificatifs et de couleur
Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne - Lecţii - Clasa a 5-a;
norkisana | Scoala Gimnaziala "Nicodim Ganea" Bistra
1 comentariu
Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne - Fişe de lucru - Clasa a 5-a; Clasa a 6-a; Clasa a 7-a; Clasa a 8-a;
CrissMurgulet | Alta institutie
2 comentarii
Comentarii (4)
14.04.2008 00:26 alina83ro
you have a mistake at the 3rd exercise; I won't tell you which one is it, you should notice it by yourself; pay attention! I mean you should have added one more option, that is to say "are having" to emphasize an action that's happening now!
14.04.2008 16:14 mada2008
super misto
07.05.2008 18:28 danny_105
super ajutator
15.11.2008 18:47 cristiand
Bravoooo to you,Cookie!Super idea to attract the pupils with your drawings."alina83ro" shouldn't have corrected you as she herself didn't use the correct word order "I won't tell U which one IS IT".Kep up the great work & congrats!
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