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Recomandat de moderator docx A Job Well Done

7 august 2012, 18:39

0 stele | 0 review-uri

Este un plan de lectie pt. inspectie gradul I. Este o secventa din unitatea 6 din Upstream Advanced, pt. clasa a XI-a. Skills-urile vizate sunt Speaking, English in Use, reading si Writing.

Învăţământ liceal - Limbi moderne - Lecţii - Clasa a 11-a; Clasa a 12-a;

7 materiale
3 au spus Mulţumesc.
3 comentarii
1246 descărcări

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31.12.2018 07:57 georgia14

Bună ziua! ne puteți ajuta cu anexele de la Application letters? Mulțumesc!

0 0

02.01.2019 10:13 Laura_Pop - Autor

Buna ziua. Anexele 1,2 si 3 erau materiale elaborate de elevi anterior lectiei inspectate, au ramas la ei, in portofoliile lor. Anexele 4 si 5 sunt pagini din manual, iar anexa 6 am inserat-o mai jos.

Best wishes!

I. Rephrase the following sentences:

1. If he hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have been able to finish the work by now.
But for_____________________________________________________________________________________
2. If you have been studying French for so long, you should speak it fluently by now.
______________________________________ it’s time _____________________________________________
3. Follow my advice and you won’t go wrong.
As long as you ____________________________________________________________________________
4. I’d like you to tell me frankly what you think.
I’d rather __________________________________________________________________________________
5. Considering all the dangers that threatened his life, it is a miracle that he survived.
If one ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. She had hardly ever been to the theatre.
Hardly _____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Without their financial support, the reform movement couldn’t have been made wider.
If it __________________________________________________________________________________________
8. It would be good if you could join us on that particular occasion.
If only _______________________________________________________________________________________
9. As he was asked to state his intentions, we know what to do now.
If _____________________________________________________________________________________________
10. If the weather is good, we’ll travel to the lighthouse.
Provided that _______________________________________________________________________________

II. Turn the sentences below into hypothetical statements:

1. We made some inquiries, that’s why we are so well informed on the matter.
2. I don’t like big cities and so I settled down in the countryside.
3. Since they know the area so well, they can travel without a map.
4. We bought a flat last week that is why we are so short of money now.
5. As Susan didn’t take my advice, she is in a difficult position now.
6. You encouraged Tom to come and here he is!
7. John will only come if you send for him.
8. I have a bad cold so I can’t go with you to the mountains.
9. Since she doesn’t love him, she won’t marry him.

III. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. I wish that chocolate doesn’t bring me out in a rash.

2. I wish that I would remember where I’ve put my keys.

3. He talks as though he would earn a huge salary, but I know that he doesn’t.

4. I’d sooner spent my money on clothes than on food.

5. If only travel cost less, I’d travel a lot more.

6. It’s time we stop messing around and start work.

7. I’d rather you speak to James because you know him better than I do.

8. I wish I didn’t spend all my money yesterday, then I would still have some in my account.

1 0

08.01.2019 18:48 georgia14

Mulțumesc mult!

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