Şcoala cu
bune practici

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Învăţământ gimnazial | Cultura civica

Propus de: lazarescucatalina | 16.08.2024 11:01 | 91 vizualizări

The action aims to strengthen the European dimension of education by encouraging transnational cooperation between pre-university education institutions.


The action aims to strengthen the European dimension of education by encouraging transnational cooperation between pre-university education institutions, improving the quality and quantity of knowledge of foreign languages, promoting multiculturalism, cooperation and mobility in the educational field, as well as encouraging innovation in terms of pedagogical methods and information techniques. ;
At the same time, the participation of the students in the preparation of the project and in the activities related to its implementation, including in the mobilities related to the project, if the circumstances allow it; the mobility of teaching staff for the preparation and monitoring of the project, or with the aim of knowing the educational reality Turkey and Romania, the development of didactic materials and the exchange of good practices in education.
The project aims to promote sensitivity towards other cultures, especially those that contribute to combating racism and xenophobia or that respond to the specific needs of children of migrant workers, and other categories of people who exercise itinerant professions; targets students with special educational needs, paying special attention to the integration of these students into normal education systems.
• Multilateral cooperation projects aimed at:

 join participation in the development of study programs, courses and modules or didactic materials, in the context of increasing the European dimension of education in schools;
 information and information exchange activities aimed at educational management and auxiliary services, such as school and professional guidance;
 educational, training and information exchange activities aimed at increasing students' sensitivity to other cultures or favoring with priority the integration and improving the results obtained in school by the children of migrant workers, of people who exercise itinerant professions;
 activities regarding the training and follow-up of the professional development of teaching staff involved in the education of students with special social problems and special educational needs;


This project is a European cooperation action between pre-university education institutions and aims, first of all, to strengthen the European dimension of education, offering students and teachers from pre-university education institutions the opportunity to exchange experience, to improve their knowledge, to discover common or distinct elements in the cultural, social and economic diversity of Europe, as well as a better understanding of the various points of view regarding an area of common interest.
Through this first project, students and teachers have the opportunity to improve their knowledge - by studying in depth a specific topic on which each project focuses - and to work in a team, to relate, to organize joint activities, etc. . In this way, the best possible familiarization with the new informational and communication technologies is aimed at.
We also hope for curricular innovations in partnership with teachers from other European schools, for increasing the level of training in the use of foreign languages of international circulation (the main means of communication, along with the computer), as well as for education in the spirit of values and citizenship European.

Partner schools mainly have the following responsibilities:

- establishing a liaison teacher to coordinate the activity between one's own school and the partners in the project;
- carrying out the activities established by mutual agreement with the school involved in the project;
- Participation in the activities proposed by the coordinator

The coordinating school has additional responsibilities:
- ensuring the general administration of the project, so that it is carried out in good conditions, in accordance with the plan established by mutual agreement between the partners;
- establishing and managing work meetings with colleagues from partner schools;
- writing the final reports and supervising the development of the final product of the partnership;
- maintaining an optimal communication flow with the partner school


 local and national traditions and customs
 artistic activities;
 awareness of European citizenship;
 consolidation of local and regional identities;
 a transition from school to active life;
 the use of information and communication means;
 visiting the cultural and tourist attractions in Istanbul

Duration of the project - February 20-February 26, 2023

- the first contact - getting to know the school, the locality;
-documentation, information tour visiting cultural and touristic objectives;

Activities related to the project, carried out by students and teachers, such as:

 the development and publication of brochures or other documents regarding the cooperation activities and the project theme;
 exchange of experience and good practice, experimenting with pedagogical and didactic materials, etc.;
 the development of technical products, artistic works, audio, video, etc.;
 the design and use of web pages, e-mail,
 artistic activities (music, theater, dances, etc.);

The objectives of the visit are:

 establishing the theme, methodology and purpose of the future project;
 the meeting with the director of the institution, with teachers and future potential participants,
 establishing the responsibilities and tasks of the participants in the future project;
 establishing the budget, the means of communication and the way in which the evaluation and dissemination of the final product will be carried out.

Human/material resources:

- teaching staff, students, parents
-brochures, leaflets, shared means of travel, traditional Romanian objects, laptops, audio headphones, video cameras, memory sticks, etc.

The preparatory visit is provided from own financial resources.

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Propus de: SperantaNeda

Sondajul zilei

Să avem o evaluare care sa testeze competențele elevilor la fiecare final de an. Astfel vom vedea în ce stadiu se află generația , cum putem sa îmbunatățim sistemul de educație şi profesorii care nu-şi fac treaba şi încă folosesc metode şi o gândire învechită să nu mai poată profesa. În plus , feedback-ul eleviilor sa fie luat în serios , pentru că nu e ok în 2024 doar elevul sa poată fi sacționat ,iar profesorul nu , ba chiar să abuzeze de putere.

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