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Ruler and Compass Geometric Constructions in the Romanian Secondary School

Învăţământ gimnazial | Matematica

Propus de: vasea_13 | 29.10.2018 06:15 | Revista cadrelor didactice nr. 50/2018 | 455 vizualizări

The first steps in the development of the logical, personal,
active,creative, and critical thinking is being realised în school
beginning with the very first notions of Mathematics.

Ruler and Compass Geometric Constructions
in the Romanian Secondary School

Without claiming a scientific definition and using a more
simple language, we could say that by a geometric constructions
problem we understand the problem of drawing of a/some geometric
figure(s), starting from specific given elements, using specific
geometric tools, respecting some clear rules and following a logical
route in a finite number of steps.
Beginning with the general methods of mathematics problems
solving, our ancestors’ experience highlighted a certain staging
(a solving scheme for geometric constructions problems), which
involves the following stages:
1.Analysis  2.Construction  3.Demonstration  4.Discussion
This presentation doesn’t have to be considered
‘dogmatically’, the four steps may intertwine, can be reordered,
or they can even be skipped.
So, the steps in solving the compass-and-straightedge geometric
constructions problems start with the Analysis, which supposes the
already existence of a geometric figure with the notices ….,
checking the conditions… and having the following
particularities… As opposed to the regular stages of solving a
mathematic problem in general, that begin with ”the whole
enunciation of the problem is carefully read“ and „the known and
the unknown data are extracted“ etc, this approach seems to start
suddenly, skipping some initial steps, and the phrase „we consider
the problem solved“ turns into „haven’t you drawn it
Apart from studying the text of the problem, any geometric problem
and especially the geometric constructions problems begin with the
imperative „DRAW“. For this, it is supposed that the person who
is solving the problem has the necessary geometric knowledge,
masters the geometric tools and the constructions technique well
enough for the whole attention and inspiration to be focused on
building a geometric configuration clearly, suggestive and precisely
enough, that can be the basis of the problem solving.
Like any scout, who before exploring an unknown territory, apart
from a set of knowledge, rules and techniques, must have a minimal,
indispensable kit in his adventure, we could say that any insight in
the Euclidian geometry’s field needs to be done by holding the
geometric tools. But let’s go back to the „scouts’ school”
to see what it can offer us.
Studying the necessary curriculum for teaching mathematics in the
Romanian secondary school, we notice that the geometry elements
shyly appear, at an intuitive level (as it is normal, according to
the stage of the student’s psychological development) as a
pre-geometric stage during which the introduction of some geometric
representations is highly connected to the shape and the dimensions
of some real bodies in the surrounding environment. At this stage
(classes I-IV), the pupil manages already to classify, to
hierarchize, synthesize and compare, to preserve distances, areas,
volumes, weights and to realize intuitively when the shape of some
suffers changes.
Still shyly and under the direct guidance of the primary school
teacher and the Math teacher the students have in the fifth form,
the geometric tools (different patterns, graded ruler and the
triangle ruler for the beginning) make their appearance as a
necessity to represent different elementary geometric figures. The
notion of „building“ (competence 2.3 „Using the geometric
tools for measuring or for building geometric configurations“)
appears only in the new curriculum for the 5th grade (to which I
will come back later).
The purpose of these elementary geometric acquisitions of the
students in the 1st -5th grade ensures the transition from the stage
of „concrete operations“, prepared through the perception,
observation, analyzing and generalization of the space properties of
some real objects, to „the stage of the formal
thinking“(beginning with the 6th form and during the entire
adolescence) and finally to the geometry based on
logically-deductive judgments.
It is important for the introduction of demonstration not to be
rushed until the end of the 6th grade. The psychologists consider
that, up to this age, the child’s mental evolution doesn’t allow
the axiomatically introduction of geometry yet, and there is a risk
of losing almost completely the idea of the existence of a link
between geometry and objective reality. This opinion is better
highlighted by the Mathematician H. Freudenthal: „One day the
child will ask «Why?» and it is useless to start the systematic
geometry before that moment had come. Moreover, it could really be
harmful. If we agreed overteaching geometry as a means of making the
children feel the force of the human spirit, of their own spirits,
we mustn’t deprive them of their right to make discoveries
themselves. The key of geometry is the expression «why». Only the
happiness killers will pass the key on earlier“.
Any middle-school Math teacher can say that the introduction in the
6th form of the Geometry as a distinct branch of Mathematics has a
great impact among the students accustomed with a specific Math
judgment pattern recently assimilated from the Arithmetic lessons.
Since the very first geometry classes there can be noticed a
difference between the students who understand and enjoy this school
object and the students who show difficulties and/or seem
unconcerned. In this case, the teacher’s role is overwhelming and
beyond competences, strategies and educational ideals, syllabus and
a number of dedicated classes, the success is ensured by the
experience, training, calmness, style, education, commitment and,
why not, by those ”mathematical tricks“, that the teacher makes
available for the students.
And, if some notions like point, straight line, semi-straight line,
plane, angle and some relations as congruence, parallelism,
perpendicularity, have already been established, suddenly the idea
of compass and ruler geometric constructions makes its appearance
(without trying to remember when the notion of compass has been used
until then), under the form of building a congruent segment with a
given segment, the building of the mediator of a segment and the
building of a bisector of an angle. Then, a well-deserved break is
taken, for appearing again in the 7th grade, when it comes about the
similarity of triangles, the circle, or regular polygons, after
which the eternal sleep lays over the compass-and-ruler geometric
problems. From time to time, here and there, a passionate teacher
dares to disturb the tranquillity proposing an optional school
subject for some of the 6th- 8th forms, or for technology high
schools, when studying technical drawing.
The initiative of those in Waldorf schools needs to be praised,
because, through the ideas exposed in the Mathematics curriculum,
they make the transition from the geometry of the surrounding
environment to the geometry based on logical-deductive judgments
through solving different geometric constructions problems, allowing
the students to discover notions, relations, axiomatic sentences and
all this because in their vision „the geometric constructions
represent a combination of imagination and actual handy activity“
and „…this thing corresponds to the children’s abilities at
this age“, with the idea of „…making geometry more
accessible, so that it would stop being considered an arid and too
abstract field“.
After we took notice about H. Freudenthal’s opinion about the
early introduction of the geometry based on judgments and after we
read the curriculum for the applied mathematics in Waldorf school, I
return, as I promised, to the new compulsory Mathematics curriculum,
proposed in Romania beginning with the school year 2017-2018 and
referring strictly to the geometry field for the 5th grade, we
notice a „decongestion“ of the matter, giving up on some amount
of scientific content (a strong requirement of Maths teachers,
parents and students), through its congestion introducing two new
notions, in contrast with the old curriculum: The straight line
(including the line axiom) and The angle – representing a large
part of the geometry for the 6th grade. Not to mention that the
dedicated number of classes didn’t change and the amount of
geometry to be taught in the 8th grade didn’t suffer any
modifications, all that was obtained was the decongestion of the
matter for the 7th grade and the cascade transferring of more
abstract notions towards the 5th and 6th grades (students of 10-12
years old).
This „flexibility of the curriculum“ took into consideration
(it is written in the document) among other things: ”the
adjustment of the curriculum to the expectations of the society and
to the realities of the learning system, having as a purpose the
students’ training for life and profession“, the compliance with
”…the differences between students of the same age (rhythm of
learning, level of previous acquisitions, inner motivation, cultural
and community specificity)“ and it was thought that ”…it can
be browsed in the 75% from the allocated time to Maths classes, the
rest of them being at the teacher’s disposal for remedial
activities, consolidation and progress classes“. If
Freudenthal’s words had been taken into consideration, it would
have been wonderful.
We comfort ourselves with the fact that for the first time, the
following affirmation can be found in the text of a curriculum for
the 5th grade: „The approach of the geometry elements particularly
targets the development of the skills necessary to use the geometric
tools and the formation of the abilities needed for identification,
investigation and building the geometric bodies and shapes“.
Considering all the above, we are stubborn and dwell upon the role
and the importance of the geometric constructions in the secondary
school as a supportive element in passing towards the geometry
based on reasoning and understanding this field as an important way
of solving the geometric problems as a relevant activity in the
daily life; and if the idea of those from Waldorf school doesn’t
match the educational ideal of the today’s Romanian society and
we can’t filter more the notions of geometric constructions in the
school curriculum, we can at least help the students with an offer
of an optional subject matter at the level of Optional school

Written by Vasile Păduraru, Mathematics teacher,
Mărgineni School, Neamţ County, Romania

Translated by Nicoleta Orza, English teacher,
Dumbrava Roşie School, Neamţ County, Romania

1. * * * Programa şcolară pentru disciplina Matematică,
2. * * * Programa şcolară pentru matematică, clasele V-VIII,
Alternativa educaţională Waldorf, Bucureşti 2001, pagina 2,

3. Constantin, O. Îndrumări metodice privind predarea geometriei
în gimnaziu,

4. Păduraru, Vasile Construcţii geometrice cu rigla şi compasul
– abordări metodice,
Editură Ştef, Iaşi, 2018.

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Să avem o evaluare care sa testeze competențele elevilor la fiecare final de an. Astfel vom vedea în ce stadiu se află generația , cum putem sa îmbunatățim sistemul de educație şi profesorii care nu-şi fac treaba şi încă folosesc metode şi o gândire învechită să nu mai poată profesa. În plus , feedback-ul eleviilor sa fie luat în serios , pentru că nu e ok în 2024 doar elevul sa poată fi sacționat ,iar profesorul nu , ba chiar să abuzeze de putere.

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